Chiropractic Adjustments
Our focus is on patients receiving high-quality chiropractic adjustments in many different techniques including:
- Diversified (manual/hands-on adjustments)
- Activator/Tool assisted
- Percussor method
- Laser frequency
- SOT-blocking method
In addition to our quality chiropractic services, we also offer the following adjunct services:
- Therapy Services-e-stim, ultrasound, intersegmental traction, etc.
- Exercises Protocols-customized exercises for particular needs
- Electrical Pollution Sensitivity Testing-Is your cellphone robbing your energy?
- De-Tox Treatments-EB PRO footbath to get the "junk out" --Toxins released
- Laser Treatments-joints, muscles, cells & even emotions treated
- Orthotics-customized orthotics for healing and arch support
- Hair Analysis-adrenal, thyroid function and heavy metal toxicity
- In-office STORE-ergonomic pillows, braces, TENS units, nutritional products